The Venue sends a Cancel Request Execution Report to Moment in order to acknowledge a Cancel Request that Moment has sent to the Venue. While this is the same message type as an Order Execution Report, it is included as a separate message to avoid confusion since it refers to the Cancel Request, rather than the Order.
Field Name | Tag | Required | Description |
StandardHeader | |||
OrderID | 37 | Y | Unique, Venue-assigned ID for the Order Cancel Request. |
ExecID | 17 | Y | Unique, Venue-assigned ID for the Execution Report message. |
ExecType | 150 | Y | "6" = Pending Cancel. |
TransactTime | 60 | Y | Time when the event being reported occurred. |
ClOrdID | 11 | Y | Unique Client Order ID provided by Moment in the Order Cancel Request. |
OrdStatus | 39 | Y | "6" = Pending Cancel. |
StandardTrailer |