Submit an Order Request


New orders should be submitted as a NewOrderSingle. This is equivalent to submitting a trade via the POST v1/trading/order/ endpoint. When a Client submits a NewOrderSingle, they should expect to receive an ExecutionReport acknowledging the order (35=8, 150=A) immediately.

Schema: NewOrderSingle (35=D)

Field NameTagDescriptionRequiredExample
ClOrdID11Unique identifier of the message assigned by the Client. This must be unique within the trading day. Otherwise, Moment will reject the order.Y"5f7b9c9f-7b9c-9f7b-9c9f-7b9c9f7b9c9f"
Account1The identity of the settlement account. Generally, this should be the Account ID of the end user. Y"7c0e7cd7-b2f7-42ec-aa3e-3428ce28a82b"
OrdType40The type of order. Only "2" = Limit is supported.Y"2"
OrderQty38The size of the order in par value. To place an order for 1 bond with a face value of $1,000, the Client should provide an OrderQty of 1000. For more information on par values, refer to the Fixed Income Data Glossary.Y"1000"
Side54The direction of the order, from the perspective of the Client.
”1” = Buy
”2” = Sell
Price44The price of the order. The price should always be specified from the end-user's perspective, inclusive of all markups. Moment will automatically account for the Client's markup when routing the order to the street.Y"96.25"
PriceType423The type of Price (44). Only ”1” = Price/Percentage is supported. All prices are clean prices. Y"1"
SecurityID48The ID of the security. Clients may provide a CUSIP or ISIN.Y"912797JE8"
SecurityIDSource22The source of the SecurityID (48).
"1" = CUSIP
"4" = ISIN
TimeInForce59The time in force. Only "0" = Day is supported.Y"0"
TradingSessionID336Indicates whether the order is eligible for extended hours trading. This will default to "REG" normal market hours if it is not specified.
"REG" = Only eligible for normal market hours trading
"EXT" = Eligible for both normal market hours and extended hours trading. Normal market hours are 9:30AM to 4:00PM ET, and extended hours are 7:30AM to 5:00PM ET.
TransactTime60The time the order was created (GMT).Y"20231005-11:48:33"
TradingGroup5047The trading or risk group for which the order is being placed. Y"GRP_1"