Order Cancel Reject (35=9)


The Venue sends an Order Cancel Reject to Moment in order to reject Moment's attempt to cancel an order.


Field NameTagRequiredDescription
OrderID37YUnique ID of the order that Moment attempted to cancel. Will be "None" if CxlRejReason = "1", meaning the order is unknown.
OrigClOrdID41YClOrdID (11) of the order that Moment attempted to cancel.
ClOrdID11YUnique identifier for the Order Cancel Request message that is being rejected.
CxlRejReason102YReason for rejection.
"0" = Too late to cancel. The order is no longer open.
"1" = Unknown Order
"3" = Order cancel is already pending.
"99" = Other
Text58CConditionally required if CxlRejReason=99 (Other).
Additional details for why the order was canceled.
TransactTime60YTime the cancel request was created (GMT).