Last Price

The marks endpoint can be used to retrieve the most recently observed price for each ISIN in a collection of ISINs (up to 100 maximum). It is intended to be used to mark a portfolio's current value.
The response will contain a list of mark objects, ordered by ISIN ascending, corresponding to the requested list.
Each mark object will either contain the mark details or an error message if the mark cannot be retrieved (not found, not tradable, not priced).
If the request is malformed, the endpoint will fail and return an error message.

The response will contain a list of mark objects, ordered by ISIN ascending, corresponding to the requested list. Each mark object will either contain the mark details or an error message if the mark cannot be retrieved (not found, not tradable, not priced).If the request is malformed, the endpoint will fail and return an error message.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!