Order is Partially Filled


When an order is partially filled, Moment will send a Execution Report (35=8) to the Client with an ExecType of Trade (150=F) and an OrdStatus of Partially Filled (39=1). While partial fills are very rare for retail-sized trades (<$100,000), they can still occur in the case that 1) the trading venue partially fills the child order or 2) the child order is fully filled, but the size available on the trading venue was less than the Client order's size.

Schema: ExecutionReport (35=8, 150=F, 39=1)

Field NameTagDescriptionRequiredExample
OrderID37Unique, Moment-assigned ID for the Order.Y"29b5e57e-0adc-45cf-936d-5b1055abeb08"
ExecID17Unique, Moment-assigned ID for the acknowledgement message. This identifier will be unique across all Execution Report messages that Moment sends to the Client.Y"0a6a1b6c-b22c-4dc3-ad2f-7496c28f2c10"
ExecType150"F" = Trade. This message indicates that the Client has received a fill for the Order.Y"F"
TransactTime60Time when the event being reported occurred.Y"20231005-11:48:33"
Order Request
ClOrdID11Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"fcd69fbf-0c0f-41fa-8c4b-45c36c73ca06"
Account1Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"ACCT_1"
OrdType40Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"2"
OrderQty38Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"2000"
Side54Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"1"
Price44Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"100.00"
PriceType423Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"1"
SecurityID48Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"912797JE8"
SecurityIDSource22Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"1"
TimeInForce59Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"0"
TradingSessionID336Matches field from NewOrderSingle.N"REG"
TradingGroup5047Matches field from NewOrderSingle.Y"GRP_1"
Fill DataThese fields are only included when ExecType = "F".
LastQty32The quantity of the fill being reported.C"1000"
LastPx31Price of the fill being reported.C"99.00"
GrossTradeAmt381The gross trade amount not inclusive of accrued interest, in dollars.C"990.00"
AccruedInterestAmt159Accrued interest for the fill, in dollars.C"5.00"
NetMoney118Settlement trade amount inclusive of accrued interest, in dollars.C"995.00"
TradeDate75Trade date in YYYYMMDD format.C"20230507"
SettleDate64Settle date in YYYYMMDD format.C"20230509"
Parties BlockThese fields are only included when ExecType = "F".
NoPartyIDs453Number of Parties in the block. This will typically be "3" since the contra firm, contra clearing firm, and execution venue will typically be provided.C"3"
PartyID448Party identifier.C"ABCD"
PartyIDSource447Type of party identifier.

"C" = generally accepted market participant identifier (MPID).

"H" = CSD participant / member code.
PartyRole452Party role.

"17" = Contra Firm. The MPID will be provided in this case.

"18" = Contra Clearing Firm. The CSD participant / member code will be provided in this case.

"73" = Execution Venue. The MPID will be provided in this case.
Fees BlockThese fields are only included when ExecType = "F".
NoMiscFees136Number of applicable fees. This is only relevant if the Client uses the Moment Portal to set their fee schedule for charging their customers. In that case, the Client's fees will be included in the drop copy.N"1"
MiscFeeAmt137Fee amount.N"0.10"
MiscFeeType139Fee Type.

"3" = Commission.

"8" = Markup.
MiscFeeBasis891The basis on which the fee is assessed:

"0" = Absolute.

"1" = Per bond.

"2" = Percentage.
Order State
OrdStatus39"1" = Partially Filled. The Order has been partially filled.Y"1"
LeavesQty151The open quantity of the Order, in par value. For a partial fill, it will always be the case that LeavesQty = OrderQty - CumQty.Y"1000"
CumQty14The cumulative quantity of the Order that has been filled, in par value. For a partial fill, it will always be the case that LeavesQty = OrderQty - CumQty.Y"1000"
AvgPx6The quantity-weighted average fill price for the Order. Always provided as a clean, percentage of par price. This field is omitted if there have been no fills for the order.C"99.00"