Order Execution Report (35=8)


The venue sends an execution report to Moment in the following scenarios:

  1. To acknowledge receipt of an order (150=0).
  2. To cancel an order (150=4).
  3. To communicate an execution that has occurred (150=F).

Note that an Execution Report can also be used to acknowledge an Order Cancel Request. See the Cancel Request Execution Report message for more details on that use case.


Field NameTagRequiredDescription
OrderID37YUnique, Venue-assigned ID for the Order.
ExecID17YUnique, Venue-assigned ID for the Execution Report message.
ExecType150YDescribes the purpose of the execution report.

"0" = New. The order has been received and acknowledged.

"4" = Canceled. This message indicates that the Order has been canceled.

"8" = Rejected. This message indicates that the Order has been rejected.

"F" = Trade. A fill has occurred for the Order. The OrdStatus (39) tag will indicate whether the Order is now partially filled or fully filled.
TransactTime60YTime when the event being reported occurred.
ClOrdID11YMatches field from NewOrderSingle.
OrdType40YMatches field from NewOrderSingle.
OrderQty38YMatches field from NewOrderSingle.
Side54YMatches field from NewOrderSingle.
Price44YMatches field from NewOrderSingle.
PriceType423YMatches field from NewOrderSingle.
SecurityID48YThe ISIN of the instrument.
SecurityIDSource22YAlways "4" = ISIN.
Text58CAny additional information about the execution.
Conditionally required if 39=8 Rejected.
Fill DataThese fields are only included when ExecType = "F".
LastQty32CThe quantity of the fill being reported.
LastPx31CPrice of the fill being reported.
GrossTradeAmt381CThe gross trade amount not inclusive of accrued interest, in dollars.
AccruedInterestAmt159CAccrued interest for the fill, in dollars.
NetMoney118CSettlement trade amount inclusive of accrued interest, in dollars.
TradeDate75CTrade date in YYYYMMDD format.
SettlDate64CSettlement date in YYYYMMDD format.
Parties BlockThese fields are only included when ExecType = "F".
NoPartyIDs453CNumber of Parties in the block. This will typically be "3" since the contra firm, contra clearing firm, and execution venue will typically be provided. These may also be provided in custom FIX tags.
=>PartyID448CParty identifier.
=>PartyIDSource447CType of party identifier.

"C" = generally accepted market participant identifier (MPID).

"H" = CSD participant / member code.
=>PartyRole452CParty role.

"17" = Contra Firm. The MPID will be provided in this case.

"18" = Contra Clearing Firm. The CSD participant / member code will be provided in this case.

"73" = Execution Venue. The MPID will be provided in this case.
Order State
OrdStatus39YStatus of the Order or Cancel Request.

"0" = New. The order has been received.

"1" = Partially Filled. The Order has been partially filled.

"2" = Filled. The Order has been fully filled.

"4" = Canceled.

"8" = Rejected.
LeavesQty151YThe open quantity of the Order, in par value. For an active order, it should always be the case that LeavesQty = OrderQty - CumQty. For an inactive order, it should always be the case that LeavesQty = 0.
CumQty14YThe cumulative quantity of the Order that has been filled, in par value. For an active order, it should always be the case that LeavesQty = OrderQty - CumQty.
AvgPx6YThe quantity-weighted average fill price for the Order.