For Market-data, below has been configured to facilitate both two-sided and one-sided quotes.
CUSIP | Summary | Lifecycle |
880591DM1 38143C3G4 | No Quotes | Simulate illiquid bonds |
3130A6RM1 931142DB6 | Only Bids | Simulate bid side only market |
3130A2UW4 38143CFG1 | Only Offers | Simulate ask side only market |
All in-scope cusips except the above | Bids and Offers | Simulate two sides market |
Moment's paper environment supports mock instruments with deterministic lifecycles for order testing purposes. All of these instruments will be published with constant offer price of 101, bid price of 100, and a max quantity of 500K.
CUSIP | Summary | Lifecycle |
912810TD0 | Always rejects | 1. Rejected by pre-trade checks. |
912810SX7 | 1 fill after 1 second | 1. Approved by pre-trade checks. 2. Wait for 1 second. 3. Filled entirely. |
912810SU3 | 1 fill after 1 minute | 1. Approved by pre-trade checks. 2. Wait for 60 seconds. 3. Filled entirely. |
912810SS8 | 2 fills, each after 1 minute | 1. Approved by pre-trade checks. 2. Wait for 60 seconds. 3. Partial fill for half of the order. 4. Wait for 60 seconds. 5. Fill for the remaining half of the order. |
912810RY6 | Hang until market close | 1. Approved by pre-trade checks. 2. Wait until market close. 3. Expire to simulate market close. |
912810RX8 | 1 fill after 1 minute, then hang until market close | 1. Approved by pre-trade checks. 2. Wait for 60 seconds. 3. Partial fill for half of the order. 4. Wait until market close. 5. Expire to simulate market close. |
Note: For orders to be filled, the order needs to be submitted with -
1) Trade price matching the quote from OrderBook, and
2) Trade size should be less than or equal to the quantity offered for the matching quote in OrderBook.