New Order Single (35=D)


Moment sends a New Order Single to the Venue to initiate a new limit order.


Field NameTagRequiredDescription
ClOrdID11YUnique identifier of the message assigned by Moment.
SettlDate64NThe settlement date of the trade, in YYYYMMDD format.
If not provided, standard T+1 settlement will be assumed.
OrdType40YAlways "2" = Limit.
QuoteID117YUnique ID of the quote against which Moment is routing the order. This should correspond to the MDEntryID of a MDIR message that the Venue previously sent to Moment.
TimeInForce59NIf not provided, Day will be assumed.

"0" = Day. The order will exist at the provided limit price until the end of the trading session. At end of session, it will be canceled by the venue.

"3" = Immediate or Cancel (IOC). The order is filled immediately, for as much quantity is available. If the order is not fully filled, the remaining quantity will be canceled. Partial fills are possible.

"4" = Fill or Kill (FOK). The order is filled immediately, but only if it can be fully filled. Otherwise, it will be canceled. Partial fills are not possible.
OrderQty38YThe size of the order in par value.
Side54Y”1” = Buy
”2” = Sell
Price44YLimit price.
PriceType423YAlways ”1” = Price/Percentage.
SecurityID48YThe ID of the security.
SecurityIDSource22YAlways "4" = ISIN.
TransactTime60YThe time the order was created (GMT).
NoPartyIDs453NMay be optionally unset, with prior agreement between Moment and the Venue on booking details.
=>PartyID448YIf 447 = "C", the four-character MPID of the counterparty.
If 447 = "D", a human-readable string describing the counterparty.
=>PartyIDSource447Y"C" = MPID
"D" = Custom Code
=>PartyRole452YAs described in the FIX.4.4 spec for tag 452=PartyRole.