When the Risk Management System rejects an Order, Moment sends an Execution Report to the Client with an ExecType
of Rejected (150=8) and an OrdStatus
of Rejected (39=8). No further updates should be expected for the Order.
Schema: ExecutionReport
(35=8, 150=8, 39=8)
(35=8, 150=8, 39=8)Note that AvgPx (6) is omitted in the rejection message, as no executions have yet occurred for the order.
Field Name | Tag | Description | Required | Example |
OrderID | 37 | Unique, Moment-assigned ID for the Order. | Y | "29b5e57e-0adc-45cf-936d-5b1055abeb08" |
ExecID | 17 | Unique, Moment-assigned ID for the acknowledgement message. This identifier will be unique across all Execution Report messages that Moment sends to the Client. | Y | "0a6a1b6c-b22c-4dc3-ad2f-7496c28f2c10" |
ExecType | 150 | "8" = Rejected. This message indicates that the Risk Management System has rejected the Order. The Executing Broker sets the pre-trade checks in the RMS, using Moment's trade blotter. | Y | "F" |
TransactTime | 60 | Time when the event being reported occurred. | Y | "20231005-11:48:33" |
Order Request | ||||
ClOrdID | 11 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "fcd69fbf-0c0f-41fa-8c4b-45c36c73ca06" |
Account | 1 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "ACCT_1" |
OrdType | 40 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "2" |
OrderQty | 38 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "1000" |
Side | 54 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "1" |
Price | 44 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "100.00" |
PriceType | 423 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "1" |
SecurityID | 48 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "912797JE8" |
SecurityIDSource | 22 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "1" |
TimeInForce | 59 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "0" |
TradingSessionID | 336 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | N | "REG" |
TradingGroup | 5047 | Matches field from NewOrderSingle. | Y | "GRP_1" |
Order State | ||||
OrdStatus | 39 | "8" = Rejected. The RMS has rejected the Order, meaning that it failed to pass the pre-trade checks. | Y | "8" |
LeavesQty | 151 | The open quantity of the Order, in par value. For a reject message, it will always be the case that LeavesQty = 0. | Y | "1000" |
CumQty | 14 | The cumulative quantity of the Order that has been filled, in par value. For a reject message, it will always be the case that CumQty = 0. | Y | "0" |